Our customer satisfaction policy is simply stated...
"If you're not 100% staisfied with one of our products, let us know us know and we'll make it right!"
We've been doing voice recording software since 2001 with about 1-million satisfied customers! In terms of customer satisfaction, product quality, and value, we've received only the highest customer and editorial reviews!
Please address written correspondance to:
nFinity, Inc.
PO Box 577
Albion, Rhode Island 02802-0577

Purchasing software online offers several distinct advantages over retail stores:
Better Value . . . by eliminating expensive packaging, shipping costs, and retailer profits, you are assured of a greater value - - more software features for less money.
Convenience . . . by purchaing software online you are up and running right away and, within minutes you'll be enjoying your new software.
No Complicated Installations . . . your software is downloaded and automatically placed on your computer's desktop ready to run. No CD's or complicated installation procedures. Simply click on the install file and enter registartion code. It's that simple.
Guaranteed of the Latest Version . . . retail software can literally sit on the store shelves for months, even years. By purchasing online you are assured of getting the latest, most current version of our software.